Monday, February 13, 2017

Questions to think

1. Let we have Post(title, body) -> Comments(body).
Write the active record query to get all posts, where "query" is into title or body or comment.


2. What is the difference of the procedure, functional and object oriented programming?

3. Array sorting methods?

4. Что такое медиана, персонтиль, квантиль?

5. CAP


7. Коллизия хешей

8. Фильтр Блума

9. ООП Паттерны

10. HTTP methods, OPTIONS, CORS

11. Алгоритм Дифи-Холмана

12. Маска подсети, сколько машин в сети?

13. GIL и потоки в языках. Многопоточность в руби.

14. Что такое oauth? Написать свой oath server.

15. What is systemd?

16. What is index into sql DB?

17. What is sharing?

18. Examples of rails injection?

19. Extend modules:
class A; end;
module M; end;
a =
a.extend M
What does it mean?

20. What is ddos? How to prevent in rails?

21. Notification in Rails. Errbit, sentry gems

22. What is micro service? 

23. What is middleware, rack?

24. VCR gem to test external requests, like webmock.

25. Difference between proc and lambda? Return.

26. Deep linking.

27. Cloud front + s3. CDN.

28. Understanding object_id in ruby.

29. What is Hobo gem?

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